Here's Why You Can Eat What You Want—Without any Consequences
Active Digestive Enzymes has 17 ingredients, all designed to break down your food as you consume it. ADE may help you enjoy more foods with fewer unpleasant consequences. Many people enjoy dairy, spicy food and live their lives without having to avoid their favorite meals.
Occasional Upset Stomach?
- Lactose Intolerance: The inability to digest dairy. No more ice cream, milk, cheese or whipped cream. The body needs the enzyme Lactase to properly digest dairy. If you eat dairy without Lactase, you can expect to have diarrhea, gas, and bloating that can limit your daily activities.

- Acid Indigestion: A type of indigestion involving an excess of hydrochloric acid which is produced by the stomach to break down foods, however, too much "burns" the stomach walls. Frequent occurrences of acid indigestion can lead to aggravation of the duodenum or to an aggravation of the lining of the stomach.
- Heart Burn: A painful or burning sensation in the esophagus, just below the breastbone, caused by regurgitation of gastric acid.
- Diarrhea: Defined as loose, watery stools that occur frequently. You may suffer abdominal cramping and pain as well.
Diet is usually the main culprit when it comes to digestive problems. Active Digestive Enzymes may provide the answer.
17 Ingredients May Help Aid in Digestion
- Lactase: Breaks down lactose in milk to make it possible for people with lactose intolerance to consume dairy without digestive problems.
- Lipase: A digestive enzyme responsible for breaking down lipids (fats), in particular triglycerides, which are fatty substances in the body that come from fat in the diet.
- Protease (I & II): The enzymes needed to digest protein.
- Amylase (Alpha & Beta): The enzymes that break down starch.
- Maltase: Breaks down malt sugar.
- Invertase: Utilizes sucrose as a nutrient.
- Cellulase: Responsible for cycling of nutrients and used to cleave the glycosidic linkage in cellulose.
- Glucanase: Used to break down carbohydrates.
- Xylanase: Breaks down carbohydrates into Xylose, one of eight sugars that are essential for human nutrition.
- Pectinase: Breaks down sugar.
- Phytase: An enzyme that breaks down indigestible grains and oil seeds; thus releasing digestible phosphorus and calcium.
- Hemicellulase: Breaks down sugar.
- Lactobacillus: Converts lactose and other sugars into beneficial lactic acid.
- Biffidum: Essential for support of the immune system and proper function in the intestinal tract.
- Longum: A bacterium that keeps the digestive system running smoothly, blocks the growth of harmful bacteria, and boosts the immune system.