Translating Science Into Business Enterprise
The Founding ScientistsFor over 14 years, we have made it our mission to collaborate with innovative practitioners, nutritional experts, and scientists to realize their concepts and ideas into life changing products and applications. This cultivated group called "The Founding Scientists," is what makes GHT the unique, robust and respected organization in industries of nutrition and health.
What that means for business enterprise
Successful diversification. Is highly sought but rarely acquired. Our unwavering commitment to the "Founding Scientists" provides us with the strategic positioning to continually introduce industry-leading discoveries to the global markets through our diversified group of companies, resulting in optimal and comprehensive market exposure on behalf of our "Founding Scientists" partners.
How that benefits every GHT product you buy
Unique. You may not always be abe to see it, smell it or taste it but it is the critical ingredient that makes every GHT product pioneering, relevant and more effective.
It's one of the wonders of nature: the nourishment a baby gets from his mother in the womb and afterwards from breast-feeding. And while the benefits of breast-feeding have long been proven, debate still rages over how long a mother should nourish her child.
Lost in the discussion, perhaps because it is fleeting, is information about the baby's first vital supply of nourishment. It's known as "first milk" or, more properly, colostrum. It's the milky fluid produced in the breasts of humans, cows and other mammals in late pregnancy and immediately after birth before a mother's milk starts to flow.
It is a powerhouse of good nutrition containing, says WebMD, "proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Antibody levels in colostrum can be 100-times higher than levels in regular cow's milk."
Just think about it. In many ways colostrum is nature's first perfect food. It's also been called "high octane" milk. Jammed full of antibodies and immunoglobulins it gives babies essential protection when they emerge from the protective embrace of the mother's womb into our harsh world of bacteria and viruses.
But why should only babies have all of this protection? They shouldn't! Colostrum has immune-strengthening properties throughout life, and it is never too late to start. Good nutritional supplements are comprised of bovine colostrum collected during a cow's first milking after giving birth. Its molecular structure is identical to human colostrum and even reportedly many times richer in immune factors. Colostrum is nature's most concentrated source of biologically active components promoting health and vitality.
The Editors at the Doctors' Prescription for Healthy Living magazine covered the subject extensively in their grandly-titled book "The Colostrum Miracle: The Anti-Aging Super Food That Can Boost Immunity and Prevent Premature Aging." They comment, "A plethora of human clinical studies confirm that colostrum is a powerful anti-aging and immune-boosting food that's not just for cows—indeed, it can be used by anyone for better health, increased energy and longevity. Colostrum also helps with specific health problems, helping to perk up an underactive immune system and normalize one that is overactive, as in cases of autoimmune disease."
Global Health Trax's unique Colostrum Plus supplement contains two grams of bovine colostrum per serving and adds the power of Vitamin C and zinc, producing a product that helps promote: